Welcome to the Upper Rio FM Society’s website!

The mission of the Upper Rio FM Society, Inc. is to provide a State-of-the-Art
Amateur Radio repeater network for the benefit of our members, licensed Amateur Radio
operators, the community and provide public service communication support in times of emergency

QST – July 9, 2024 – Tapia Mesa Repeater Not Linking

The Tapia Mesa repeater is not linking at this time. It appears the down link from Sandia Crest to the HUB has malfunctioned. We are investigating and hope to resolve the problem quickly. Additional information will be posted here when available. The repeater continues to operate properly in stand-alone mode.

QST – June 8, 2024 – La Mosca Transmit Power Restored

The transmit power amplifier (PA) at La Mosca has been repaired and output is back at full power.

QST – Duke City Hamfest Planning Under Way

The Duke City Hamfest will be held September 20-22, 2024.
The Upper Rio FM Society is a proud sponsor of the event.
For more info go to www.dukecityhamfest.org

Current and Past Newsletters

Click for current and past newsletters and sign up to get them in your email

D-STAR Registration

Several people have asked about the process to register with the D-STAR network. Registration is easy and only needs to be done once — even if you move to another state, get new radios, etc. See the  August 16, 2012 update on the  digital repeater page for more info.



    Download your copy of the repeater guide now


The Upper Rio FM Society

The Upper Rio FM Society started its journey as a club in 1968 with the help of eleven enthusiastic Hams interested in advancing the use of the two-meter band. Today, the organization boasts nine linkable 2-meter and 70-centimeter repeaters (two of which are D-Star digital repeaters). The linking system also has access to over 40 additional 2-meter and 70-centimeter repeaters located around New Mexico that make up the Mega-Link and other affiliated systems.Whether you are a new or experienced Ham, an existing URFMSI member or someone who is interested in joining our organization, we hope that this website is useful. Enjoy, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with your comments or questions.



Additional QSTs

Report a problem: Have you noticed a problem with a repeater or the web site? If so please give us a shout at technical@urfmsi.org

We wish to thank the generous support from:



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