Officers and BoD members

The following folks have volunteered to manage the Upper Rio FM Society


URFMSI Officers

The officers of the Upper Rio FM Society serve for two fiscal years and oversee the operations of the club.

  • President:Donald K Wood, KF5MEF
  • Vice President: Don Wood, W5FHA
  • Secretary: David Horak, N5OFQ
  • Treasurer: Michael Pendley, K5ATM

URFMSI Board of Directors

The affairs of the Upper Rio FM Society are managed by its ten Board of Directors, who are Full or Life members of the club, but not necessarily residents of the State of New Mexico. Each Director can serve no more than two consecutive three year terms.

  • Jim Dalton, AF5FI
  • Paul Choc, WA5IHL
  • Harris Goodwin WA5SJW
  • Russell Herring, KG5PWG
  • David Horak, N5OFQ
  • Glen Mauger, WB5OAF
  • Don K Wood, KF5MEF
  • Don Wood, W5FHA
  • Alec Fordyce, KI5EFG
  • Mike Pendley, K5ATM

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